Aerial view of clean river

River and Lake Bioremediation

Reduce BOD, TSS, sludge and Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) odors in rivers and lakes with Persnickety® 713 bacterial biological inoculant.

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River and Lake Bioremediation with Persnickety® 713 Solves the Problems Caused by Pollution

The Problems

Pollution caused by wastewater discharge creates noxious odors, is hazardous for flora and fauna, and reduces the sources of clean drinking water.

  • Odor and Corrosion Waste water pollution causes Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) emissions in the anaerobic conditions that occur in bottom sediment.
  • High H2S, BOD and TSS When a river or lake has high levels of Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and total suspended solids (TSS), the water is considered sewage. These conditions are the primary reason for the need for river and lake restoration/remediation.
  • Oil and Grease Municipal wastewater consists of substantial amounts of oil and grease that float on the surface and stick to other debris, which impedes the exchange of air and dissolution of oxygen into the water.
  • Organic Matter Organic pollutants contained in wastewater consume dissolved oxygen (DO), which results in inadequate oxygen levels to support aquatic animals and plants.
  • Excessive Nutrients Municipal wastewater is also rich in nutrients such as Nitrogen (N) and Phosphorus (P). When excessive levels of nutrients are discharged into a water body, it leads to excessive algae growth and thick algae blooms that cover the surface of the water. This condition, known as Eutrophication, reduces the penetration of sunlight into the waterbody, thereby reducing the activity of photosynthetic bacteria and further reducing the levels of dissolved oxygen. This reduction in oxygen effectively suffocates the flora and fauna of the water body.
  • Sludge Accumulation Sewage discharge contains substantial quantities of sludge along with other inorganic and inert materials. These sediments are completely deprived of dissolved oxygen (DO) and create an acute anaerobic environment which favors the generation and emission of odor (H2S).

Drain pipes pouring polluted water into river

The Solution

Microbial Bioremediation is a process using the eco-friendly live microorganisms (mainly bacteria) for the breakdown of organic pollutants into non-toxic components. These bacteria either consume the pollutants as a Food source or metabolize them with a food source.

Persnickety® 713 is a bacterial biological inoculant composed of a carefully selected, precisely balanced blend of several bacterial strains. Bacteria in Persnickety® 713 utilize hydrogen sulfide in their metabolic processes, effectively reducing the H2S molecules elemental sulfur, which is then stored by the bacteria within its cell structure. This remarkable process results in dramatic H2S reductions. Low H2S levels result in significantly reduced odors and a healthier biomass.

  • Stops Odor and Corrosion Eliminates or greatly reduces Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) concentration which reduces odor, corrosion and improves the health of the biomass.
  • Reduces H2S, BOD, TSS and Solids Persnickety® 713 reduces biological demand, total suspended solids, and solids accumulation to acceptable levels for successful river and lake restoration.
  • Cost Effective The cost of treatment is very competitive and yields additional cost benefits including the potential for significant energy savings.
  • Safer, Healthier Ecosystem The impact of H2S varies in specific effect from location to location, but a detoxified, rejuvenated biomass will perform more efficiently.
  • FOG Reduction PERSNICKETY® 713 will also help to control animal and vegetable fats, oils and greases (FOG). 713 speeds up the process of breaking down complex FOG compounds into simpler compounds that are easier for naturally present bacteria to digest.

Underwater view of river with clean clear water and healthy plants

River and Lake Bioremediation Success Stories

View white papers, case studies, articles, case histories, and technical papers below to learn more about Syneco BioTech’s Persnickety® 713 successes as a bacterial biological inoculant for river and lake remediation.

Presentation cover: Mithi River Bioremediation via In‐situ ABR Treatment with Pernickety®713

Restoration of Mithi River

This presentation by Dr. Mamta Tomar details how the negative effects of pollution in the Mithi river were effectively treated using biological inoculant, Persnickety® 713.

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Case Study Cover Image: Anoxic Bioremediation in Hauz Khaz Lake

Anoxic Bioremediation in Hauz Khaz Lake

Read this case study to find out how wastewater sewage contamination issues were successfully treated using bioremediation with Persnickety® 713.

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Case Study Cover Image: Anoxic Bioremediation in Kushak Drain

Anoxic Bioremediation in Kushak Drain

Read this case study to find out how Persnickety® 713 was used to eliminate odors and floating materials in the Kushak Drain.

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News Image: Pilot Project Mithi River

Pilot Project Mithi River

A news article from the Indian Express stating the success of cleaning the Mithi River using bioremediation product, Persnickety® 713 biological inoculant.

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Case Study: Integrated Urban Water Management (IUWM) Case Studies

Integrated Urban Water Management

Read this case study to find out how the Integrated Urban Water Management used anoxic bioremediation in Hauz Khaz Lake, New Delhi.

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News Article Image: The Indian Express - Mithi River Wastewater Pollution

Mithi River

This news article discusses the waste emissions that caused severe pollution of the Mithi River.

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News Article Image: Cleaner Mithi gives plush BKC a facelift

Cleaner Mithi Gives Plush BKC a Facelift

This news article highlights the use of bioremediation using Persnickety® 713 to dramatically clean up the Mithi River.

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Biological Inoculants

Get more information about Syneco Systems’ bacterial biological inoculant, Persnickety® 713 including how it works, bench testing, and FAQs.

Learn more about Persnickety® 713